Monday, February 24, 2014

I may have forgot about you, but I know you didn't forget about me. For your patience, I break my 3.5 year hiatus by providing this handy calculator for calculating drywall costs:

You're welcome.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mold: Killer on drywall

Here at Drywall Costs, we don’t post often. Actually, we never post. However, with the impending DOOOM of ObamaCare, and Largest Tax Hikes Ever, we feel compelled to warn you of things that you should be aware of. First up in the series of ways to save your life, I present to you: MOLD. Mold is a bitch. Get something wet and it can fuck your shit up. That goes the same for drywall.

Unlike major water damage, such as that caused by flooding, minor or hidden water damage in your home, perhaps from a defective water pipe, hot water heater or window seal, can cause just as much damage - and you may not notice it right away. Similarly, if your home suffered through a flood in the past and did not adequately dry out, mold can also thrive. (If you live in a flood-prone area, flood insurance is a must. Read The Most Expensive Home Insurance Perils for other disasters you can insure your home against.)

Although home insurance may cover some of the costs depending on your policy, the cost of mold remediation is about $3,000 per wall, according to Environmental Solutions Group, an environmental management company that inspects homes for mold - and that doesn't include the cost of replacing any mold-infected materials such as drywall (Which all of us versed in what Drywall Costs is all about, knows this is a killer), carpet or ceiling tiles.
A 2005 study by the National Resources Defense Council showed that New Orleans homes that had been flooded or were even near areas of flooding showed extremely high levels of mold spores that could pose health threats to residents, even in the homes that had been repaired and treated for mold.

So, use your fans. Helicopter your dick. Do anything. Just make sure you keep the air moving to prevent mold, which will keep your drywall safe, and in turn keep your wallet full. In these times, we need all the help we can get. Good luck and stay dry.